Buff-tailed Sicklebill Hummingbird  ( and yes this is a  hummer!!)
 This Buff-tailed Hummingbird flew into someones room. I was lucky to be there just before they released him to get a quick photo.
 Violet-tailed Sylph
 Violet-tailed Sylph
 Violet-tailed Sylph
 Peruvian Antpitta (f)
 Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (m)
 Giant Antpitta
 This butterfly is “see-thru”
 Golden-tailed Sapphire Hummingbird
 Spiders seem to be bigger in Ecuador. He’s about fist size.
 Rufous-throated Tanager
 Rufous-throated Tanaager
 Ornate Flycatcher
 Scarlet-rumped Cacique
 Orange-bellied Euphonia
 Orange-barred Dagger Swallowtail
 Moss-backed Tanager
 Golden-napped Tanager
 White-tipped Dove
 Golden Tanager
 Speckled Hummingbird
 Golden-headed Quetzal (M)
 Speckled Hummingbird
 Buff-tailed Coronet Hummingbird
 Buff-tailed Coronet Hummingbird
 Blue-headed Sapphire (f)
 Wedge-billed Hummingbird (m)
 A mass of these little butterflies, seems to be feeding off the minerals or salts on the ground.
 Black Tamarin Monkey’s. Very small monkeys and sorry to say, I missed the photo with the baby on mom’s back.
 Golden-tailed Sapphire Hummingbird
 This appears to be a very common spider, saw them everywhere.
 Purple-bibbed Whitetip Hummingbird
 Purple-bibbed Whitetail Hummingbird
 Tropical Screech Owls. Mom on the right, and baby on the left.
 Inca Jay
 Butterflies in Ecuador
 Never pass on photographing a spider
 Purple Honey Creeper
 Dark-back Wood Quail
 Brown Violetear
 Brown Violetear
 Masked Trogan (f)
 Masked Trogan (f) enjoying the rain
 Chestnut-breasted Coronet Hummingbird
 Montane Woodcreeper
 Velvet-purple Coronet
 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
 Crimson-rumped Toucan
 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
 Golden-headed Quetzal (m) In the  rain
 Golden-crowned Quetzal (m)
 Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (m)
 Napo-Sabrewing Hummingbird, Velvet-purple Coronet
 Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (m)
 Fawn-breasted Brillant Hummingbird
 Flame-faced Tanager
 Toucan Barbet (m)
 Glistening-green Tanger
 Buff-winged Starfrontlet Hummingbird
 Rufous Motmot
 Streak-Headed Woodcreeper
 White-Landed Tanager
 Masked Trogan (m)
 Yellow-breasted Brush Finch taking his morning bath
 Blue-winged Mountain Tanager
 Masked Trogan (m)
 Got to love these huge spiders!
 Purple-chested Hummingbird
 Collared Aracari
 Collared Aracari ( check out his tongue)
 Red-headed Barbet (f)
 Red-headed Barbet (m)
 Red-headed Barbet,M and F
 As you can see, the bird life in Ecuador is amazing. But along the way met a lot of non-speaking English Ecuadorians, and always super friendly and getting hugs. These two guys caught me photographing them, and within minutes we were all laughing. T
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