Saddle-billed Stork (f)   
 African White-backed Vulture
 African Fish Eagle
 Common Ostrich Chicks
 Common Ostrich, male, females and their chicks.
 Grey Crowned Crane, elephants
 Grey Crowned Crane
 Grey Crowned Cranes
 African White-backed Vulture
 Grey-headed Kingfisher
 Marabou Stork
 Jackass Penguin. Near Cape Town, South Africa
 Jackass Penguin, near Cape Town, South Africa
 Lesser Flamingo. Saw thousands of these flamingos. The shores of Lake Nakuru were solid pink with them, eating the brine shrimp.
 Van der Decken's Hornbill (f).   
 African Hoopoe
 Red-billed Oxpecker, Rhino.
 Red-billed Oxpecker (immature), Zebra
 African Goshawk
 Saddle-backed Stork (m)
 Wattled Crane. This crane is listed as threatened. I felt very lucky to see this bird and was able to get a photo of two of them. 
 African Spoonbill
 Pintailed Whydah (m). If you check my Birds of Huntington Beach, you will also see this bird listed here in our local parks. Africa is their home, and how they managed to end up in California is anyone's guess.
 Pintailed Whydah. A mating was going on with this male and female. The male bird flies horizontal in front of the female. In this case the female flew away.
 Yellow-billed Oxpecker. They are feeding off of ticks and other insects on mammals. 
 Marabou Stork. Usually seen along with vultures scavenging at a kill.
 Yellow-billed Oxpecker on a buffalo.  Very common where large mammals roam.
 Common Ostrich (m)
 Lake Nakura. This tree is loaded with Marabou Storks, and Great White Pelicans at the base of tree. 
 Yellow-billed Stork, White Rhino
 Common Ostrich (m)
 Superb Starling
 Lesser Flamingo
 Lilac-breasted Roller
 Lilac-breasted Roller. One of my favorite birds to see in Africa.
 Little Bee-eater. Yes, he eats bees. He's the smaller of the bee-eaters.
 Marabou Stork. This guy was hanging around the restaurant area of our camp looking for handouts.  He was pretty tame, and wasn't scared of anyone.  But been a big stork with a huge bill, you gave him leeway. 
 African White-backed Vulture
 Whitefronted Bee-eater
 Southern Yellowbird Hornbill
 I'll be back to Africa, count on it!!
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